Saturday, June 6, 2009

An Everyday Guide to Life as We Know It

So I've been thinking, my title is a little strange. An Everyday Guide to Life as We Know It. But that's ok, right? I mean after all, thousands of artistic mediums have quirky names. However, I must confess, my mind was not clear when I came up with this title. But after it popped into my head... well... it just wouldn't pop out. After all, "nothing is new under the sun." Or under the moon obviously, because it was nighttime when I wrote it. First, I was thinking about netflixing a funny movie called "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" because it was a cute, quirky film that I would be ok with turning off in an hour if I got tired. Secondly, I had just finished a conversation with my sister about Bones' intern (yes, I know fellow fans, Booth can't remember Bones at all -- maybe not anything at all -- and I'm discussing who Brennan is going to choose as an intern. But that's because there is no way they are going to take Booth away or make him forget or whatever. It's just inconceivable. However, at some point in the near future she has GOT to choose a new intern. Assuming Zack can't come back (OH PLEASE BRING HIM BACK!!!!) my vote is for either Windell or Mr. Nigal Murray. Ok we have gotten SO off topic.) But the particular intern I was thinking about was Fisher, because I think he is the absolute worse candidate. For those who don't know, he is a gothic hate-life-and-everything-in-it always-looking-for-disappointment kind of guy.

So to reiterate, because of "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" I came up with "An Everyday Guide to Life." However, because of thinking about this strange Mr. Fisher, my unconscious mind came up with "Life as We Know it." Because obviously if you are always waiting for the other string to drop, or whatever it could be, and of course because of the multiple theories of the universe posed by many enormous thinkers, "as we know it" can be rather nice. After all, everything we
know of the world is "as we know it." Isn't it?

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